Friday, July 01, 2005

Fatal Attraction - The Play

I just had the chance to buy cheap, cheap tickets to Fatal Attraction: A Greek Tragedy starring Corey Feldman. Yes, that Corey Feldman. The show is in previews now and officially opens July 10th. The opportunity was too good to pass up, so I bought two tickets. If anyone is interested in the other ticket for the show this Saturday at 8pm, let me know. Saturday morning, I start the process of calling all my friends to see who's left in town this holiday weekend.

"Says executive producer Will Bennett: "The park, the opera, the tub, numerous obscure references to nineteenth-century home-etiquette propaganda - this baby has it all. I smell TONY like boiling rabbit.""

"Running at a breakneck pace of 70 minutes, Fatal Attraction: A Greek Tragedy tells its own story with a kinetic beat, a boiled bunny dance sequence, and numerous of kungfu action scenes."

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