Currently, I am reading
Schlepping Through the Alps by
Sam Apple, and unsurprisingly I have developed a little crush on the author. I frequently crush on young authors and this guy has the bonus of seeming to be the kind of Jew that wouldn't normally have anything to do with my guido shicksa self. You know, the whole "forbidden fruit" concept. Sometimes I gaze longly at his author photo while I'm riding the subway and think, "I'm just so goyish. It would never work." This is the perfect crush for me.
Anyway. About this book. It's a great read if you're interested in Yiddish Folk Culture, Vienna, Joerg Haider and the FPÖ, the Austrian "first victim" defense and modern day anti-Semitism. Come to think of it, that's probably a pretty small demographic. As in me, and the guy who wrote the book. But if you visit the site above, you can indeed view the "Who Let the Jews Out?" Animation. So, that's something.
Wow, I had never heard of Sam Apple. I love Yiddish history/culture (I am a Jew by birth). I must admit for a Goy you have good use of Yiddish...now if I can just get you to send me some real NY Bagels!
My favorite Yiddish expresion:
Oy vey govalt de rebi gey shun tonsen volt
Totally not sure of the spelling, so that is basically phonetic. But it means, "Oh my God the rabbi is going to dance now!"
That may be the best phrase I ever heard. Now to find a chance to use it. Also "choxie" is a funny word. It sounds like something a country girl down south would be named, "Choxie May Claire" or the like.
We use it all the time just as a general exclamation...Anytime you would say OH MY GOSH! etc...
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