Friday, May 27, 2005

Ask Yourself.

I was sitting at my desk last night at 7pm, waiting for confirmation that a fax had gone through before I could leave for the night when I received an email from my old friend Catherine. It was one of those chain forwards where you answer questions about yourself, usually very annoying, but nothing from Catherine is ever annoying because she is so super cool plus she is a cop and has access to firearms so I try not to piss her off. One of the questions was, "When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?". That got me thinking. So I now present:
Cupcake's Career Aspirations Through the Years

Age 3: Work at a gas station. (looked like fun)

Age 5: Ballerina.

Age 10: Lawyer, District Attorney.

Age 14: Actress.

Age 17: US Senator.

Age 19: Diplomat.

Age 21: International Aid Worker.

Age 22: Children's Television/ Public Radio Producer.

Age 23: Children's Book Author.

Age 24: What was the question?


Anonymous said...

you mean queen cupcake never entered the list?

you're royalty, baby!

Anonymous said...

you mean queen cupcake never entered the list?

you're royalty, baby!

ka said...

funny i was just thinking about what i want to be when i grow up on my way to work this morning. i came up with 2 possibilities:
- replacement Christopher Guest, in the event he retires from mocumentary genius or dies.
-A member of Salt-n-Peppa.

Too bad these options involve death, time travel or switching ethnicities.