Opperating on the assumption that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission, we have this story from a Washington Cupcake. Bizzy was spending the weekend with family way out in the Virginian countryside when her cousin's cat had kittens. Bizz decided that she needed to take not one but two kittens back to live in her one bedroom appartment. Of course, she neglected to ask her live-in boyfriend, MrNoFork, about his feelings on the subject. She did, however, leave him a voicemail to give him a heads up that she would be returning plus two. Now, the Chief Cupcake hates cats. Hates 'em. But even we have to agree this kitten is pretty freaking cute. As of now, the ankle-biters have no names, and are being called "Cat 1" and "Cat 2". We are accepting suggestions for names for the kittens. Bizz, perhaps you would like to enlighten us as to the genders?

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