Fresh Direct. For nearly a year now, I've seen your advertisements. "Our Food is Fresh, our Customers are Spoiled." And who doesn't want to be spoiled? I've even seen your discarded boxes stacking up outside Park Slope Brownstones. But like Middle School Hearthrob Jeff Van der Veer, I just assumed you were out of my league. But that night at Lexi's the other weekend, when she pulled out that tray of chocolate bread pudding, and swore that your prices were cheaper than the grocery stores ... well, I think we all knew it was only a matter of time before I surfed over to you.
Fresh Direct, I think about you all the time now. I can't get any work done because it is too tempting to explore all you have to offer and fantasize about our future together. Just looking at your naked game birds tressed up just for me makes me blush. And yet, I can't seem to actually go ahead and make a committment. Am I afraid of the potential dammage your Single Serving Size Portions of Potatoes Gratin and Four-Packs of Double-Dipped Chocolate Cupcakes could wreck on my waistline and my Discover Card Bill? No, I think I'm finally in the right place with all that. I suppose my biggest fear is that it isn't really you I'm attracted to at all, just the potentially better version of myself you seem to promise. How easily I can envision spending Sunday afternoons massaging meat rub into the pork chops, decanting organic apple sauce while the Bretzel Rolls warm in the oven. How I long to be the hostess who never fears unexpected company because she knows the Key Lime Mousse Cheesecake will take less than an hour to defrost! I want to spend more time planning meals than just deciding whether to pop a bag of Butter Light or Kettle Corn for dinner. And all this food for one person would be absurd. Surely there is someone else in the picture, to preheat the oven while I'm at the gym and help me choose which sides should accompany the Rotisserie Chicken Dinner.
Oh Fresh Direct, I know this level of personal/nutritional fulfillment and domestic bliss is a lot to ask of a food delivery service, but you seem so different than all the others. It's nothing at all like when I had Key Foods deliver the booze for my birthday party. Or maybe it is just that I want so badly to believe in us, that we crazy kids could make this thing work. For the moment I will continue to try to resist, but afterall I am just a woman, a woman with serious needs and I can only wonder how long I will be able to hold out before I seek solace in the embrace of your pre-baked pie/quiche shell... 

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