Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Hello? Can I hear you now?

I can't hear out of my right ear. Should this concern me? It's like I've been swimming, but I haven't been swimming. I just went to sleep and woke up. Although, now that I think about it, it is possible that my roommates tried to submerge my head underwater while I slept. So what is this, doc? Ear infection? Sinus infection? Am I going deaf?? You know, I just watched Ray Saturday night, and this is how Ray Charles started going blind, one day things started to get a little fuzzy ... Thank God I took all those Sign-a-Song classes. I can sign "I drink Milk for Energy." Wait a minute, I don't drink milk. Well, I drink chocolate milk. Quick, how do you sign 'chocolate'? Do you think I've had too much coffee today???


Anonymous said...

you should be ashamed of yourself, miss cupcake -- have you forgotten your RI roots already? a CHOCOLATE MILK reference!? shame on you nancy. i'm gonna alert the proper eclipse/autocrat authorities on know why...

Cupcake said...

Eep! Don't tell on me. You know I love Coffee Milk too, but do you have any idea how hard it is to find a bottle of Eclipse in Brooklyn (Motto: You'll Smack Your Lips When It's Eclipse)? Personally, we always had a bottle of Autocrat in the house when I was growing up (Motto: A Swallow Will Tell You). Why don't you be a good cupcake and bring me a bottle?