Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Why did some Vienesse artists install a giant pink knit bunny on top of a mountain in Italy? Wenn du "warum?" fragen musst, dann bist du totaller unkool. Story here. Thanks to Beta for passing this along. Beta, notice I haven't had time to read the stories you sent about the German Elections or the New York Times story about college educated women and motherhood, but I was all over the pink bunny story.

Is it just me, or does this bunny look like the same bunny in Mo Willem's great book Knuffle Bunny? No? Oh. Well, check out that book anyway because the laundromat featured in it is right across the street from my friend Hooly's apartment.

Know who else is wacky besides those Austrians? How bout those Germans? Yep, they're kooky but lovable, where as the acutal Americans I work with have been driving me downright insane. Is it conspire against Cupcake day, shall we see how much lunacy we can throw at her until she pitches a foot-stompin', pony-tail waggin bitch fit? No, must refrain. Deep breaths. I'll just be an adult and use flip answers and roll my eyes when everyones' backs are turned.

Thank God for Happy Hour tonight. Time to go get my drink on.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of amazing things, and don't mean to get your tin liners in a bunch, but this weekend is the downtown Cupcakes For a Cause event. I'm babysitting, otherwise I'd invite thee to go. (There'll be pizza for us cake-haters.)

Since I can't accompany you and you've struck up a fine comraderie with CakeMan, perhaps you should get on his horn ...

Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than starting my day of knowing one of my friends has met the lovely Nancy! I am so glad you had a chance to meet Marc last night and chat--he cracks my ass. Hope you two crazy kids had fun.

ka said...

that bunny is scary shit

lebrookski said...

don't know if you read the NYT article as yet, or if you saw the rebuttal on Slate...but here it goes: