The German Book Center has materials for teaching/learning German, Children's Books and Music, and German-Language Literature. In addition to the big names like Günther Grass and Thomas Mann, they carry many works by Austrian Writers like Peter Hanke, Ingeborg Bachmann, Robert Musil, Stefan Zweig and others I read once upon a time in another life.

I suggest from your photo you stop indulging in cupcakes and get down to the gym.
Mimi, I don't recall asking you. Go to hell, why don't you?
Just what Brooklyn needs, another talentless self-important pseudo "writer" ...
Goodness, not only is mimiNY a rude bitch, but having checked out her blog, and she's also a frighteningly poor writer. All the better for the rest of us not-so-poor writers, I suppose. Dearest Mimi, while I know your blog says "making enemies," which you do truly excel at, I suggest you shift your career goal away from the literary, and instead make a buck selling your body. At least if your mouth is full no one will have to hear you talk.
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